4300East Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90803, USA
3rd floor, Holsteiner 35, Berlin 10556, Germany
انتظرونا قريبا….
President letter
زملائي الاعزاء
نيابة عن ICPS ، الجمعية الدولية لأطباء التجميل ، أود أن أستغل الوقت للترحيب بكم في مجتمعنا كأطباءنا الكرام.
نحن في ICPS International Cosmetic Physicians Society نفخر في خدمة جميع أطبائنا الخدمة التعليمية الممتازة والشاملة.
استمتع بالتنقل بكل سهولة وتاكد من خلال مجتمعنا تعثر علي جميع احتياجاتك التعليمية
تتعامل ICPS مع مهمتنا الثلاثة المتمثلة في تثقيف أعضائنا باستمرار ، وإبلاغ الاطباء بدقة وتعزيز سلامة المرضى.
نرحب بكم جميعًا في الجمعية الدولية لأطباء التجميل ، ونتطلع إلى رؤيتكم جميعًا قريبًا في المؤتمرات.
ميشيل وايت ، دكتوراه في الطب.

اخر الاخبار

المؤتمر الدولي لجراحة التجميل
المؤتمر الدولي لجراحة التجميللندن، المملكة المتحدة من 11 إلى

Cosmetic Derma Congress 2018
تفاصيل المؤتمر: الحدث: المؤتمر العالمي للتجميل والأمراض الجلدية الاسم
Innovative New Treatments Available in Aesthetic Dermatology Right Now
When you’re invited to sit in a lovely room

Spironolactone effectively treats acne in adolescent females
LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. – Spironolactone is a safe and effective treatment
Patients / Year
Quilified Doctors
Years of experience
ICPS is destined to become one of the great societies on the internet. What a wonderful concept.

Mike Jason
The staff of ICPS has been spectacular in helping me with the signup process, unlike any other society they answered me very fast even on Sundays.

Elisabet Kerst
I love this site. ICPS has helped me find so many answers, get good real advice and find the perfect surgeons to go with! I love that we can find so many posts, treatments and blogs about every aesthetic treatment to help others in making their decisions 🙂
Tanner Till
ICPS isn’t just a society it’s a productive site that above all else supplies patients with a source of information. Collectively, all of the fine doctors in the aesthetic medicine profession make this just a brilliant resource of information for doctors and for patients.

Liam Simon
I have seen only the finest answers given with ultimate professionalism. Just think how fantastic this is for patients in distress, worry, or just seeking great advice.
Simone Carl
I thank ICPS for this great society because that what we all need as doctors not just a society but also a community from every side , I thank my fellow physicians for their posts, , and I thank doctor Michelle White for introducing and guiding me in this amazing experience. Upward, onward, and many thanks.

Jonathan Maldo
ICPS is WONDERFUL and is really helping to educate its members. THANKS for a great job.

Daniel Anderson
This incredible concept saves the patient time and money and allows valuable information to quickly reach out to them. I have been very impressed with the high quality of advice physicians have issued.
Ross Ister
ICPS is a great place to find all your answers when it comes to aesthetic medicine, keeping us doctors and patients up to date with the latest cosmetic inventions.

Serge Frederick
It’s not just patient education that evolves, it is a real learning experience for me. Every time I go on ICPS I pick up valuable hints, pearls, and suggestions from my fine colleagues.
Francis Tee Jay

5 Continent Congress

Dermatology Congress 2020 Singapore

Rhino Alex Masters

Rhino Egypt Meeting 2020

Dermatology Congress 2019 Scotland

Dermatology and Trichology Congress

Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Emirates Dermatology Society Annual Conference 2018



Cosmetics 2019

Allied Academies

The Egyptian Developers
